To succeed in the manufacturing industry candidates need to perfect a specific skill set that hiring managers of prospective employees are looking for to achieve effective results. Today’s manufacturing jobs look a lot different than say twenty years ago. Engineering skills like quality control and industrial design are now being blended with traditional manufacturing skills like machining and welding. Employers in the manufacturing industry need skilled people who can use computer-controlled machines to design and produce products while simultaneously finding ways to be more effective. If candidates are willing to upgrade their education and skills, they will be able to demonstrate the skill clusters that today’s manufacturers are looking for.
More than likely, you already have a basic foundation for the skill sets leaders in the manufacturing industry are looking for when hiring new talent. And if you were attracted to reading this blog post, the chances are that you are the type of person who values the importance of personal growth in your professional career. So these ideas will not be new to you.
However, career recruiters today are looking for candidates who are able to handle more than just their basic technical job responsibilities. (Here we are thinking about the huge soft skills gap that exists which is why we have compiled a list of the five most important skills you will need for a successful manufacturing career.
Indestructible Reliability
At Chicago State University researchers recently compiled a list of the behavioral indicators representing a sound basis for people to understand what workplace environment dependability means. According to their report, dependable employees will always – maintain a predictable and consistent work schedule that demonstrates commitment; recognize the relative importance of their tasks and responsibilities, and can be relied upon by others as a valid source for information.
Even though this may sound like quite a mouthful, which it is, basically it can be broken down into the following three keywords: consistency, trustworthiness, and steadfastness.
Thoughtful Mindfulness
When working in the manufacturing industry, it is important to be mindful. However, you must also be aware of your surroundings.
This is what a career in this industry is centred around. And it will guide you through every shift. According to a study by researchers at Case Western Reserve University, mindfulness simply means an individual’s ability for self-immersion in the present moment.
In this context, it means a person’s inherent self-awareness in action. As the research data indicates, a certain level of mindfulness can be positively correlated to variables in the workplace such as relationships, self-concept, and work performance. So when mindfulness is applied to manufacturing, it is easy to understand why it is considered a preferred skill in new hires.
Wholesome Integrity
We all know how difficult it can always be to be objective. Still, having the ability to make altruistic judgment calls when it becomes necessary is important.
Your personal integrity is a reflection of your character. It is who you are when no-one else is around. It includes the decisions you make when no-one is watching. According to data from a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon, researchers suggest that a sense of integrity in an individual can be attributed to the willingness of people to work with them.
Simply put, this means that an individual mindset that facilitates an understanding of co-workers and their situations in life will make it easier for them to work with you. Basically, it comes down to simply being a good person.
Interactive Cooperation
In any aspect of life, working with others is an important feature in quality character building. For this reason, it is of vital importance to be cooperative in the workplace. And in the context of a manufacturing career, it can also be a driving force towards achieving long-term goals.
Being cooperative means engaging with others. According to studies at the Queen’s School of Business, disengaged persons were 60% more likely to cause or suffer workplace accidents. In our industry, this is something that we simply cannot afford to happen, and in some cases, cooperation can be vitally important.
To cooperate not only means being in tune with the needs of management but also being in tune with co-workers and their needs. This is because safety and wellbeing should always be a top priority when it comes to manufacturing and cooperation plays a significant part in this.
Technological Comprehension
You may scoff at this as you probably already understand the basics of new technology. But can you be sure that it applies to the companies you are applying to for a new job? As each company has its own set of rules and standards, it is vital to not only be aware of what they are but also to understand what they mean.
In a recent review of workplace trends by Forbes, almost all featured some aspect of technological innovation. This proves that a spread of different forms of technology is continuously present, and you must be careful not to be left behind in the dust. In fact, you should take care to do everything necessary to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, especially when it comes to the manufacturing industry.
The ability to understand your potential workplace environment will empower you to comprehend the capabilities required by each potential variable. If you succeed in this endeavour, you will surely be successful in landing a career in manufacturing.