JAC 12th Result 2020 : Jharkhand Board is going to release the result of class 12th on jacresults.com. All the appeared candidates can check there result by entering roll number and other required details. The Jharkhand Academic Council conducted the JAC Class 12th examination for the year 2020 from 11th – 28th February. This year, around 2.8 lakh candidates have appeared for the Jharkhand Board exams in class 12th.
The Process to Check JAC 12th Result 2020
The result of the 12th exams will be available online on the official website.
1 . Go to the official website of Jharkhand first : jacresults.com , jac.nic.in .
2 . Then you will reach the homepage. Hit the link of JAC 12th Result 2020 there.
3 . Now, it’s the turn of entering the credentials. So, enter the roll number and click on the submit button.
4 . After that, you will be able to check your result. The result will appear to you.
5 . So, check your result and take the printout for the future reference.
Direct Link To Check JAC Class 10th Result
Click Here
JAC 12th result details
The students who were waiting for the results can now check it. There are various methods to check the result. But to use those methods, it is very important to know the process to check it. So, here we are providing the procedure to check JAC 12th Result 2020 Roll Number Wise.
All the best students for Jharkhand Board 12th Result 2020
विद्यार्थियों के लिए जरूरी नोट:
sarkariresults.ai पर बोर्ड के नतीजे उपलब्ध कराने का मकसद विद्यार्थियों तक तुरंत और आसानी से जानकारी पहुंचाना है। नतीजों की शुद्धता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए यहां हर संभव कोशिश की गई है। हालांकि, छात्रों को जरूरी सलाह दी जाती है कि वे अपने बोर्ड से मिलने वाली आधिकारिक हार्ड कॉपी से वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध नतीजों की पुष्टि अवश्य कर लें। किसी भी तरह की त्रुटि के लिए वेबसाइट जिम्मेदार नहीं होगी।
Note For Students :-
sarkariresults.ai aims to provide board result information to students in easier & quicker way. We have tried our best to verify provided information, although we advice to students to collect their result in hard copy. We won’t be responsible for any errors/ mistakes shown in result.