UP Board Result 2020 As per the latest update UP Board has not published any official notification with regards to the declaration date for UP Board Results 2020 yet. But , fake news have been going viral on different social media that UP board class 12th and Up Board class 10th result will be declared in the first week on June ,2020.
Due to Covid-19 outbreak , the evaluation work was delayed, and UP Board can’t able to declare the board result on time.
Students Asked to Be Beware of Fake News
As per fake news going viral UP Board has urged to the candidate not to believe me that fake news , Just keep visiting our official website we will update all the information regarding result there.
The board usually takes about 20 days to finalize the results after the evaluation work is completed. UP’s Education Minister has spoken with media on various occasions and stated that the board is likely to release the results between June 20 and June 30. The final dates would be announced a few dates before declaration.
UP Board Result 2020 Important Date
The dates of UP Board High School Exam 2020 have been released by the UPMSP.
State | Exam Name | Date | Exam Result Date (2020)* |
Uttar Pradesh board | UP Class 10th Board Exam (High School) | 18th Feb to 3rd March 2020 | Third week of June |
UP Class 12th Board Exam (Intermediate) | 18th Feb to 6th March 2020 | Last week of June |
*Tentative Dates
विद्यार्थियों के लिए जरूरी नोट:
sarkariresults.ai पर बोर्ड के नतीजे उपलब्ध कराने का मकसद विद्यार्थियों तक तुरंत और आसानी से जानकारी पहुंचाना है। नतीजों की शुद्धता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए यहां हर संभव कोशिश की गई है। हालांकि, छात्रों को जरूरी सलाह दी जाती है कि वे अपने बोर्ड से मिलने वाली आधिकारिक हार्ड कॉपी से वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध नतीजों की पुष्टि अवश्य कर लें। किसी भी तरह की त्रुटि के लिए वेबसाइट जिम्मेदार नहीं होगी।
Note For Students :-
sarkariresults.ai aims to provide board result information to students in easier & quicker way. We have tried our best to verify provided information, although we advice to students to collect their result in hard copy. We won’t be responsible for any errors/ mistakes shown in result.