UP Board Results 2020 : UP Board Class 10th ,12th Result 2020 Results to be available at the websites- upmsp.edu.in, upresults.nic.in, check updates .
Direct link to check UP board class 10th Result
Direct link to check UP board Class 12th Result
Direct Link to check UP Board Class 10th Result click here
Direct Link to check UP Board Class 12th Result
Click here
How to check UP Board Results
Visit the official website mentioned below . Keep admit card with you . Click on the result link ‘up board result’ link. You will be redirected to a new page. Submit using the roll number and school code. Result will appear , and download it for future reference.
Websites to check results
Candidates can check their results today on the board’s official websites such as upmsp.edu.in and upresults.nic.in. Due to the large number of students there can be a heavy load on the websites mentioned above. In that case, a candidate can get him/her registered here at sarkariresults.ai and the results or any updates regarding the same would be communicated to them on their email id or mobile phone.
UP Board 10th, 12th result today at 12 noon
Over 56.11 lakh students who had appeared in the class 10 and 12 exams this year will get their results today. The Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma will announce the result at 12 pm via press conference in Lucknow’s Lok Kalyan Bhawan.
How to check UP Board Class 10th , 12th Result 2020
1 : Students need to visit the websites- upmsp.edu.in, upresults.nic.in.
2: Then Click on the ‘result link’
3: Enter registration number, roll number
4: Results will appear on screen
5: Download it, and take a print out for further reference